The Hillsboro R-3 School District has opened our window to complete the Annual Registration for the 2024-2025 School year!

This registration is required for all existing students who wish to enroll in the 2024-2025 school year, with proof of residency required for all students.   
Parents will verify address, contact information, student health needs, transportation needs, and agree to technology agreements.  To expedite the process, your proof of residency is required to upload in picture or PDF format.  Please view the acceptable documents at this link:   Proof of Residency Information

 Please see the attached instruction sheet on how to access the online registration section in Infinite Campus. Each section will have a " Next " or " Save/Continue  " button available to navigate through the online registration process.

Annual Registration Instructions 

Full information on our Annual Registration can be found on our website at:   HILLSBORO R-III ANNUAL REGISTRATION WEBSITE
Here is the link to log in to Infinite Campus Parent:    Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Please contact the registrar at if you have any questions, concerns, or to set up an appointment to use a kiosk computer.